Hi everyone, how have you been? Thank you for all your support at our launches, your support has been great! Our latest print REMAIN deserves an explanation to satisfy the curious minds asking for the inspiration behind the print. Hope you enjoy!

When creating the print, we want to emphasized the signature thing about Posh. What makes Posh known by the community?
The print is one of them.
So we created an abstract shape from our original print for the pattern.
After the pattern finalization, we stopped and think for a second.
What we want to tell the community through this collection?
We want to deliver a message.
And we look around, analyzing the situation that's been going on in our community. We noticed that the pandemic is gentler at Jakarta, something that we have been waiting for almost 2 years, and never expected to happened.

And the day finally came. But, after the pandemic is gentler, we found that we are still in a transition phase, and uncertainty. Uncertainty comes after uncertainty.
But, we realized, you and I still remain to live our life the best we can.
Even in the uncertainty.
Remain to calm.
Remain to achieve something.
Remain to grow.

And we want to appreciate it.
We want to tell you that please be still and remain.
Until we see clarity.
That's why we named our collection "REMAIN".